The Casual Layman’s Inquisitions

  • In what world does a two-day marriage retreat prepare a cohabitating, sexually active, non-practicing couple, who haven’t darkened the door of a Catholic Church since their Confirmation for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony?
  • Why is it so often that clergymen who insist that the liturgy be in the vernacular so that it is accessable have a questionable at best comprehension of the theology of the liturgy?
    • Corollary, why is so frequently the case that laymen who insist the same and attend the Mass in the vernacular haven’t the slightest clue what is occuring nor what the words mean?
  • In what world can people who are licensed to operate heavy machinery on highways at great speeds be thought to not understand “till death do us part”?
  • How exactly do female altar servers contribute to vocations to a celibate, all-male priesthood?
  • In cultures this Casual Layman has lived it was universally considered good manners to look at the person you are speaking to…what possessed the Church to decide this rule of good manners (and theology) should no-longer apply?
  • Why do grown adults need an Usher to tell them when they are permitted to stand up to go to Communion and which line they should join?
  • What world does Pope Francis live in?
    • Corollary, why does it seem that he can’t help but be vague and wordy in his speeches regarding doctrine, faith, and morals but is concise and precise in his criticisim of those who are interested in the protection of the doctrine of the Church?