Tag Archives: Articles

A Biretta Tip: Dis-Transgeneder-land

A biretta tip to the the recent article on LifeSiteNews by Laurie Higgins.  A few excerpts: At this point I’m like, “[ ] Ok there is definitely a very manly hispanic man in a Lakers jersey who just walked in here. Am … Continue reading

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A Biretta Tip: The Pope Doesn’t Care Much for Theology

Interesting article over at the Catholic World Report.  An excerpt: We have heard the Pope say over and over again that he is no theologian and that he doesn’t care much for theology, but it is exactly that attitude which … Continue reading

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A Biretta Tip: Why Conservative Catholics think Pope Francis is a Fraud

Interesting article over at The Week.  Some excerpts: …the most charitable version of the conservative critique, which is not unjustified, is that his tone and emphasis make him sound like a straightforward progressive, and risks identifying the Magisterium of the … Continue reading

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