So the second black mass in less than a year was conducted in Oklahoma City last week.
The question I keep asking amidst all the outrage is how did they get their hands on a consecrated host?
Where oh where did the Servants of Satan acquire the Eucharist?
It’s perfectly plausible the followers of the Father of Lies told a whopper of a fish story but let’s give old Beelzebub’s minions the benefit of the doubt and consider that they are actually telling the truth. I know what you are thinking, “Well, being honest wouldn’t be very Lucifer-like of them, now would it?” But for argument’s sake, let’s assume they aren’t committing charity against duplicity, and that their claims are truthful. It must make them feel at least a bit ashamed of themselves, you know, not being Satan-like enough.
But back to my query as to the source of the host they desecrated. How is it possible they were able to grab the Eucharist and be off with Him?
Did they break into a church, force open the tabernacle and steal a ciborium? That would mean they gained many more consecrated hosts, and that we can expect an increase in the number black masses. But let’s say these Satanists are law-abiding American citizens, who don’t break the laws (I know, I know they are sounding less and less devoted to their belief system).
How was it possible they got their hands on the Eucharist?
There are only a few people who are supposed to handle the Eucharist. Those people include: priests, bishops and deacons.
Any chance one of these Satanists was devout enough to actually rob a deacon, priest or bishop on his way to distribute communion to the sick and dying? Perhaps this happened and the victim didn’t want to announce it for fear of upsetting the faithful.
I’ve seen news stories of Satanists attempting to lift Our Lord from mass. I’m not sure if the Church keeps statistics on stolen hosts but if I were a devilish deceiver, it would seem like the perfect opportunity.
You have to ask yourself when is the opportunity the greatest and who holds the consecrated host?
At an ordinary Catholic mass that would be the priest, the extraordinary ministers of communion (most often utilized in ordinary circumstances) and every Catholic who refuses to receive communion on the tongue.
That pretty much narrows down the list of parishes, at least the parishes weren’t the source of the stolen host, to a few.
All it would take to accomplish such a task would be a little sleight of hand, handed down through generations by grandfathers and uncles pulling nickels and quarters from behind the ears of wild-eyed children.
The recipient has Our Lord handed over like change at a restaurant, and he doesn’t even have to perform a dine and dash. He can pretend to toss Our Blessed Lord into his mouth like buttered movie popcorn, hide the consecrated host up a sleeve, and walk straight to the parking lot with little to no chance of being detected.
After all, many parishes are more concerned with keeping you in the right communion line, lest you offend the extraordinary minister by going to the person with consecrated hands instead of the person to whom he’s outsourced a portion of his duties.
We receive the greatest treasure in heaven and earth at mass. We should want the entire world to receive it, provided they are Catholic and properly disposed. It is time we consider whether parish priests and bishops who desire that everyone recklessly handle and hand out communion share in the culpability for these black masses.
Let us never forget that the first time that wicked people laid their hands on Our Blessed Lord it occurred because He allowed them, and every subsequent time it was because we allowed them.
On How the Satanists Got their Hands on God
So the second black mass in less than a year was conducted in Oklahoma City last week.
The question I keep asking amidst all the outrage is how did they get their hands on a consecrated host?
Where oh where did the Servants of Satan acquire the Eucharist?
It’s perfectly plausible the followers of the Father of Lies told a whopper of a fish story but let’s give old Beelzebub’s minions the benefit of the doubt and consider that they are actually telling the truth. I know what you are thinking, “Well, being honest wouldn’t be very Lucifer-like of them, now would it?” But for argument’s sake, let’s assume they aren’t committing charity against duplicity, and that their claims are truthful. It must make them feel at least a bit ashamed of themselves, you know, not being Satan-like enough.
But back to my query as to the source of the host they desecrated. How is it possible they were able to grab the Eucharist and be off with Him?
Did they break into a church, force open the tabernacle and steal a ciborium? That would mean they gained many more consecrated hosts, and that we can expect an increase in the number black masses. But let’s say these Satanists are law-abiding American citizens, who don’t break the laws (I know, I know they are sounding less and less devoted to their belief system).
How was it possible they got their hands on the Eucharist?
There are only a few people who are supposed to handle the Eucharist. Those people include: priests, bishops and deacons.
Any chance one of these Satanists was devout enough to actually rob a deacon, priest or bishop on his way to distribute communion to the sick and dying? Perhaps this happened and the victim didn’t want to announce it for fear of upsetting the faithful.
I’ve seen news stories of Satanists attempting to lift Our Lord from mass. I’m not sure if the Church keeps statistics on stolen hosts but if I were a devilish deceiver, it would seem like the perfect opportunity.
You have to ask yourself when is the opportunity the greatest and who holds the consecrated host?
At an ordinary Catholic mass that would be the priest, the extraordinary ministers of communion (most often utilized in ordinary circumstances) and every Catholic who refuses to receive communion on the tongue.
That pretty much narrows down the list of parishes, at least the parishes weren’t the source of the stolen host, to a few.
All it would take to accomplish such a task would be a little sleight of hand, handed down through generations by grandfathers and uncles pulling nickels and quarters from behind the ears of wild-eyed children.
The recipient has Our Lord handed over like change at a restaurant, and he doesn’t even have to perform a dine and dash. He can pretend to toss Our Blessed Lord into his mouth like buttered movie popcorn, hide the consecrated host up a sleeve, and walk straight to the parking lot with little to no chance of being detected.
After all, many parishes are more concerned with keeping you in the right communion line, lest you offend the extraordinary minister by going to the person with consecrated hands instead of the person to whom he’s outsourced a portion of his duties.
We receive the greatest treasure in heaven and earth at mass. We should want the entire world to receive it, provided they are Catholic and properly disposed. It is time we consider whether parish priests and bishops who desire that everyone recklessly handle and hand out communion share in the culpability for these black masses.
Let us never forget that the first time that wicked people laid their hands on Our Blessed Lord it occurred because He allowed them, and every subsequent time it was because we allowed them.