
Sister Pantsuit: Social-Justice Warrior Alert


As people of God we must attone for historical acts of discrimination and oppression.  It is unconscionable that, in our modern world, we still have a holiday set aside to celebrate the patriarchy.  In addition to celebrating a group of people who have, for centuries, relegated women to the pews and kitchens of the world, “father’s day” is divisive.  Those supporting this holiday further heteronormative concepts and deny the great contributions any gendered person can have in fulfilling the roles traditionally understood as “fatherly”.  Great strides have been made in breaking down the barriers of traditional family roles first by changing that most basic “prayer”, the sign of the cross.

For years I have supported the far more inclusive “Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier” formula for baptisms.  Unfortunately the patriarchy in Rome has constantly shot this idea down.  We do have hope now, though, with Papa Frank.

Until the day that we’ve truly reached gender equality in the Church and in the world, I invite you to stand with me and demand that we:


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