Category Archives: Humor

Cohabitation: Save the Church the Paperwork

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Cohabitation: Work out the Kinks!

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Apostolic Blessing: Gays with Gifts

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Gays with Gifts

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Amoris Laetitia Lenten Communion Deal

Hey everybody Papa Frank here!  I wanted everybody to know that I’m initiating a new “Communion Mercy Pass” in accordiance with my highly theological Amoris Laetitia.  This special pass will allow us to accompany you on your journey of sin … Continue reading

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Hit me up on Twitter for the Annulment

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Mulligans: Not Just for Golf Anymore

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Annulments: A Go For Fat Hoes

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Choices: Latin Mass

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Hi Everybody, it’s Papa Frank here!  You likely saw my Apostolic Blessing for Cohabitators, but I want to make sure you know why I’m encouraging couples to ‘try before you buy‘

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