Category Archives: Memes

Carbon Footprint

So I was thinking about how hot it is getting this summer because of all the conspicuous consumption & fossil fuel burning airplanes, cars, boats.  I mean I’ve tried to tell people about the moral requirements of using mass transit, … Continue reading

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So Much Theology!

So Benny stopped over last night and forced me to read my illustrated children’s version of the Bible.  So, now that I’ve got like TONS of knowledge:

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False Structuralism

Too often we discriminate and seperate people from the table of the Lord based on whether or not they genuflect correctly, kneel and stand at the proper times during mass, or if they fit out construct of how God works…that’s why:

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Young People Don’t Understand Forever

So in my recent comments about most marriages being invalid I noted that lots of young people are just living in a culture of the provisional.  I mean, they may be adults, they might be able to sign a contract, … Continue reading

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Ad Orientem

Cardinal Sarah recently asked me about this and I was like:

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Life’s Mulligans

So some peeps have been totally down on my recent comments that the great majority of sacramental marriages are really invalid but cohabitating unions often show the fidelity and grace of a true marriage.  Well, I’d just like to point … Continue reading

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