Category Archives: Memes

A Biretta Tip To…@XZaqLee

A Biretta tip to @XZaqLee for his work: Follow him on twitter: @XZaqLee

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Marriage: If At First You Don’t Succeed…

Hey everyone Papa Frank here with more Lenten spiritual advice.  You may know I’ve been supporting people who find themselves accidentally divorced and remarried.  Unfortunately there are still some people in the Church who insist that marriage is “till death … Continue reading

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Hugs > Confession

Hey everybody!  Papa Frank here.  Confession can be scary and implies right and wrong exist.  That’s why I like hugging it out!

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Kids…Think of your Carbon Footprint

Hi everybody, Papa Frank here!  You’ve likely heard of my efforts to make the Church more green.  HVAC is one of the critical moral issues of our time!  Well, Cardinal Kasper the Unfriendly Ghost mentioned a terrible oversight that I … Continue reading

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Annulments: She Might Get Fat

As you know I’ve been an ardent supporter of a variety of reasons that annulments should be granted more freely….here’s another, don’t body-shame her…just put the union asunder!

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Hi everybody, Lovable Papa Frank here.  I’d like to tell you about a very scary place today.  It’s a place that mean old-style “judgy” priests used to say that murderers, adulterers, sodomites, and thieves went to.  It’s called HELL.  Now, we … Continue reading

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Hey everybody, Papa Frank here.  You may have recently heard I sent my nemsis, Cardinal Burke, off to Guam to attend some trial.  I figured he would like that cause he’s like super into making judgements.  Well, I’ve been thinking … Continue reading

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Remember kids, even though Jesus mentioned not to do some things and to do other things…don’t judge!  

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My (belated) Sunday Message…

Oh hey there everybody.  In the event you missed my highly spritual Sunday address to everybody, I wanted to make sure you got  a chance to hear it again here.  It goes like this: People who worry about “what” to … Continue reading

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Indigenous Peoples

So I was trying like super hard to come up with my prayer intentions for this month and I was thinking about how the whole culture of Christianity is all bad and terrible and everything.  Then I was thinking like … Continue reading

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