Author Archives: Papa Frank

Papa Frank Prayer Card

Hi everybody, Papa Frank here!  Now that we’re in Lent, I’d like to give a Lenten Gift to the Church.  I’ve heard rumblings from around the church that my papacy has been a drag on people who like to “believe … Continue reading

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Hi everybody, Lovable Papa Frank here.  I’d like to tell you about a very scary place today.  It’s a place that mean old-style “judgy” priests used to say that murderers, adulterers, sodomites, and thieves went to.  It’s called HELL.  Now, we … Continue reading

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Apostolic Blessing: Meat Thursday

Hi Everone!  It’s Papa Frank!  I know Ash Wednesday was probably difficult for those of you struggling to keep your pores unclogged (ashes, yuck!).  Also, I heard some of the Cardinals mentioning something about fasting and abstinence being a drag … Continue reading

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Hey everybody, Papa Frank here.  You may have recently heard I sent my nemsis, Cardinal Burke, off to Guam to attend some trial.  I figured he would like that cause he’s like super into making judgements.  Well, I’ve been thinking … Continue reading

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Remember kids, even though Jesus mentioned not to do some things and to do other things…don’t judge!  

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My (belated) Sunday Message…

Oh hey there everybody.  In the event you missed my highly spritual Sunday address to everybody, I wanted to make sure you got  a chance to hear it again here.  It goes like this: People who worry about “what” to … Continue reading

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Indigenous Peoples

So I was trying like super hard to come up with my prayer intentions for this month and I was thinking about how the whole culture of Christianity is all bad and terrible and everything.  Then I was thinking like … Continue reading

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Carbon Footprint

So I was thinking about how hot it is getting this summer because of all the conspicuous consumption & fossil fuel burning airplanes, cars, boats.  I mean I’ve tried to tell people about the moral requirements of using mass transit, … Continue reading

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So Much Theology!

So Benny stopped over last night and forced me to read my illustrated children’s version of the Bible.  So, now that I’ve got like TONS of knowledge:

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Father’s Day Blessings to Super-Dads

Some people have so many gifts to bring to the Church.  I wanted to make sure they all get recognized espeically those who have been traditionally “shut out” from the Lord’s Banquet.

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