Author Archives: Papa Frank

Annulments: A Go For Fat Hoes

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Choices: Latin Mass

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Hi Everybody, it’s Papa Frank here!  You likely saw my Apostolic Blessing for Cohabitators, but I want to make sure you know why I’m encouraging couples to ‘try before you buy‘

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Trust Me


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Marriage: It Takes Two!

Hey everybody, Papa Frank here!  I hear from Cardinal Kasper the Unfriendly Ghost that Marriage can be way too hard for some people.  Well I’m here with some encouraging words for you who might be struggling to live out your … Continue reading

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A Biretta Tip To…@XZaqLee

A Biretta tip to @XZaqLee for his work: Follow him on twitter: @XZaqLee

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Marriage: If At First You Don’t Succeed…

Hey everyone Papa Frank here with more Lenten spiritual advice.  You may know I’ve been supporting people who find themselves accidentally divorced and remarried.  Unfortunately there are still some people in the Church who insist that marriage is “till death … Continue reading

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Hugs > Confession

Hey everybody!  Papa Frank here.  Confession can be scary and implies right and wrong exist.  That’s why I like hugging it out!

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Kids…Think of your Carbon Footprint

Hi everybody, Papa Frank here!  You’ve likely heard of my efforts to make the Church more green.  HVAC is one of the critical moral issues of our time!  Well, Cardinal Kasper the Unfriendly Ghost mentioned a terrible oversight that I … Continue reading

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Annulments: She Might Get Fat

As you know I’ve been an ardent supporter of a variety of reasons that annulments should be granted more freely….here’s another, don’t body-shame her…just put the union asunder!

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