Amoris Laetitia Lenten Communion Deal

Hey everybody Papa Frank here!  I wanted everybody to know that I’m initiating a new “Communion Mercy Pass” in accordiance with my highly theological Amoris Laetitia.  This special pass will allow us to accompany you on your journey of sin and still admit you to Communion!  No Credit-Check Needed, No Confession Needed, No Contrition Needed!  Bring your wife and your girlfriend!  Inseatd of sitting there in the pew, you’ll feel included like everybody else, or your money back!

Please print this Communion Mercy Pass and present it to the lady who hands out communion at your local parish.

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3 Responses to Amoris Laetitia Lenten Communion Deal

  1. John Cross says:

    Hahaha! I just wish this joke of a papacy would end. Why does he only have clear words when complaining about Catholics who try to be faithful?

    • Sanctus says:

      Overcompensation and projection. He’s overcompensating for his own faults and projects on others all the worst he sees in himself.

  2. Sanctus says:

    Thanks for the laughs “Papa Frank”.

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