The Casual Layman

I’m just an honest Catholic struggling to live out the faith in an increasingly hostile world.  I was encouraged by the modest progress made by the previous two popes but I am now distressed that the Church’s earthly leadership is seemingly hell-bent on bringing back the worst-hits of the 70’s.

I attend believe what the Church has always taught despite the efforts of some of her current functionaries.  I, like many, reverted to my faith.  I felt as if I had not only been lied to by scores of CCD teachers and parish priests, but I was also deprived.  Deprived of an inheritance that was rightfully mine.  I experienced all of the milestones of the standard ‘revert’: shock, confusion, education, zealotry, and understanding.

Throughout my education and experience I have found that, more often than not, the most successful and refined arguments are those refined and trimmed down to their most essential substance.  Thus, I find the wit and wisdom of the “working-man” can often be the best ice-breaker for the complexities of the academic.