Papa Frank

Holy Card

Hi there everybody!  It’s Papa Frank.  I hope you feel welcome.  I sure hope you caught my letter on the evils of HVAC and my most recent letter on families.  I hope I can impart loads of like spiritual wisdom or whatever.  Let’s see about me hmm:

  • I’m a Sagittarius
  • I like turtles
  • I like to be liked
  • I consider myself a very spiritual person, but I’m not really down with “organized religion”
  • I hate judgemental people, they’re the worst!
  • I like reading books, you can see my favorite book list here.
  • I wish priests would preach more about rainbows and butterflies.  Aren’t they the best!
  • I like to be known as being the humble Pope…because I’m like super duper humble…like pretty much the humblest person I know.
  • I enjoy leading lambs to slaughter.