Cardinal Kasper the Unfriendly Ghost

Cardinal Kasper Unfriendly Ghost

Hello, I’m Cardinal Kasper the Unfriendly Ghost.

I’m a non-conforming ‘believer’ in neo-hegalian ‘spiritualism’.  I’ve dedicated my episcopal career to making the Church believe in nothing that way everyone can be equally disaffected.  I deny the concepts of heaven and hell and everlasting life because to believe in them would imply that there is objective right and wrong and that a pinnacle moment in our lives is actually a moment of judgement.  I believe in God insomuch as our community of peoples creates him or her as a unifying social bond.  I believe everything is contingent and subject to review and revision, with the exception of this belief.  I have and will continue to fight and reject the attempts by some in the Church to turn it into some sort of religious institution.  We must remember, if we believe something and hold to it–other’s might not like us as much.