A Concerned Father on Father’s Day

Being a father, I am entitled to be concerned about the state of the world in which I am raising my children.  Like my father before me, I too want to raise my children in a world safe and hospitable to the faith.  I realize, however, that the ‘rest of the world’ ceased being a ‘safe space’ for the nurturing of children in the Catholic faith quite a long time ago.  The new, deeply concerning turn is that now we face not only a hostile world, but pastors who are willfully leading us to the slaughter.

Being a simple man, I must ask myself: given we have but a breif time on this Earth, would not we spend our time talking about the issues most important to us?

Given the response of so many of the Bishops of the Church to the developments of the modern world seems to be:

  • Introspective Self-Accusation of Western Societal Guilt
  • Issue obfuscation and a level of malleability that would make jellyfish seem downright rigid.
  • A greater sensitivity to the ‘feelings’ and ’emotions’ of those who would persecute the Church and her members than to the actual needs of the members of the Church.

Why, then, does Pope Francis seemingly constantly undermine what are essentially very simple and straightforward teachings of the church?  Why are his, and so many bishops, most deep-throated pronouncements aimed at accusing, in quite a pharisaical manner, those who actually hold to the faith as being Pharisees?

It is a very scary time to raise children because now, for us laymen, not only is the world against us; but we may find that our own ecclesial leadership has their hand tightly wrapped around the knife in our back.

All, however, is not lost.  We can remember that often, in seemingly the darkest hours, the faith has prevailed against all odds.  Lepanto & Vienna.

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