Monthly Archives: July 2016

My (belated) Sunday Message…

Oh hey there everybody.  In the event you missed my highly spritual Sunday address to everybody, I wanted to make sure you got  a chance to hear it again here.  It goes like this: People who worry about “what” to … Continue reading

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Tear Down the Barriers!

From the Desk of Sister Pantsuit: Sisters Unite!  I wanted to update you on the PROGRESS we’re making all around the country.  I am just returning from running a week long “Discover Your Inner Womyn-Priest” Retreat.  I am pleased to … Continue reading

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Its a little “c” relief service

From the Desk of Bishop Brennan: As auxiliary bishop of the American Congo, I recently began receiving emails from concerned Catholics about the direction a certain relief service for Catholics has taken in our diocese. I have received letters claiming the organization … Continue reading

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A Sad Clown….

From the Desk of Cardinal Kasper the Unfriendly Ghost: I’ve taken great delight in attempting to subvert and destroy Catholic Doctrine, Tradition, and culture.  Frequently, however, I have run into problems with squirrely little try-hards who seem stuck on making the … Continue reading

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A Light Shining in the Darkness…

It is nice to see Church leadership speak truths.  It can give the faithful a reassurance that all is not lost and, although we are living through crazy times, not all Cardinals and Bishops have completely lost touch with the reality that faithful … Continue reading

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Indigenous Peoples

So I was trying like super hard to come up with my prayer intentions for this month and I was thinking about how the whole culture of Christianity is all bad and terrible and everything.  Then I was thinking like … Continue reading

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