A Little Diddy

There once was a Pope named Francis
Who enjoyed watching pagan dances
He encouraged them all
To enjoy their Downfall
And watched as they went into trances

Catholics looked on with shock
As it continued around the clock
“Something has to be done”
“The time has come”
They implored in their prayers at Knock

The Vatican decided to hold
A gathering of pagans cajoled
From all over the place
It looked like a race
To outdo Assisi five fold!

Then something they never expected:
Two Novus ordos defected
They stole Pachamama,
And caused lots of drama
When they had her, from the Church, ejected!

Great sorrow filled Francis’ heart
As he denounced those who took part
He said with a grin
“It is a great sin”
“To damage good Pagan art!”

As recorded by the Vatican Inscriber,
about the goddess made of plant fibre;
‘A pair of vigilantes
Took the idols from the Andes
And threw them right into the Tiber!’

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